
WP-Hive versus Virtual Multiblog

As of WordPress 3.0, this functionality is built-in without the use of plugins. These plugins are no longer necessary.

There’s a new kid on the blog when it comes to allowing a single WordPress install to be used for multiple blogs.  I used to use Virtual Multiblog but just recently switched to WP-Hive.

The main reason?

WP-Hive supports separate sitemap.xml files (and robots.txt, favicon.ico) for each blog without jumping through lots of hoops.

I recommend you check both of them out though. My needs are relatively basic so WP-Hive is wonderful, but VMB has served me well up until this point.


  • Installs like any other plugin.
  • Super easy to add new blogs.
  • Supports separate sitemap.xml, robots.txt and favicon.ico files for each blog. Hoping this will expand to other, more generic files in the future.
  • Does not allow a separate wp-config.php file for each blog. That means all blogs have to be installed to the same database with the same database login and no ability to easily customize the table prefix.
  • Does not support installing additional blogs to a directory (e.g. It has to be either a top-level domain (e.g. or a subdomain (e.g.

Virtual Multiblog

  • Allows each blog to maintain its own wp-config.php file.
  • Supports additional blogs installed in directories (e.g.
  • Once initially setup, it’s easy to add new blogs (assuming you are using the “Easy Setup”). The “Advanced Setup” requires a little more work.
  • Semi-complicated installation (even for the “Easy Setup”).
  • Does not support sitemap.xml and other special files that need to be unique per blog.

For other alternatives to WP-Hive and VMB, check out the Installing Multiple Blogs page.


Whose Prayer Are You Answering?

Sometimes it’s weird thinking we are God’s answer to someone’s prayer. The person receiving the answered prayer knows it’s from God without hesitation.  But often times we’re standing there scratching our head.  There was nothing spiritual about giving a friend in tough financial times $40.  Or calling a friend you hadn’t talked with in awhile just to see how they were doing.

For our personal prayers, do we subconsciously look for an answer/outcome that comes directly from God?  An obvious “miracle” or burning bush moment?

Throughout the history of the world, it’s important to remember God has chosen people to execute and carry out His plans.

With that in mind, how many people in your life are answering your prayers? How many answered prayers are we overlooking?


Unveiling of the Son

2 Corinthians 3:14-16 (NIV)
14 But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away. 15 Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. 16 But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.

I was at the beach last Wednesday praying with some friends.  We were early enough to see the sun rise above the horizon.  But as we finished our prayer, the sun was covered by clouds. One of my friends later pointed out no matter how much the sun is covered, it’s existence and impact on this world is undeniable. The same goes with God and his two sidekicks.  ;)

The analogy made me think about the verse above.  It’s been the verse that has been with me throughout most of this year’s season of prayer and fasting.

We live lives veiled with unbelief, fear or contentment.  Laziness, selfishness.  Pride.  Our minds are dull to the things of God (v14).  The power, confidence and fruit of God’s love are all missing from our lives.  Our vision is limited to the dense fog surrounding us.  There’s no eternal perspective.  There’s no clarity of vision of Jesus Christ himself.

What are we looking at?  Are we focusing our eyes on the veil two inches in front of us?  Or are we looking past what’s directly in front of us towards Jesus and the promise that if we turn to him, the veil will be taken away?

I can already anticipate the feeling of warmth as the sun emerges past the clouds and our lives become unveiled.


Reminder to update your digital camera’s clock

When taking pictures in foreign countries (or differing time zones), remember to adjust your digital camera’s clock to reflect the new time zone.  That will save you _lots_ of time when you go to organize them later.

It’ll prevent you from taking New Year’s pictures in Taiwan but having them show up as being taken at 8:59 AM (instead of 11:59 PM) on December 31st.

And here’s a bonus tip for people who like to consolidate pictures from multiple cameras: have a camera syncing party before all the picture taking festivities.  The party is simple; have everyone update the clocks on their digital camera to the same time (accurate to the second if possible).

Now when you consolidate pictures, you can organize them by the date they were taken and have an accurate listing from multiple cameras.

Tips like these will make your presentation a lot more accurate and user friendly when posting to sites like Flickr.

Also don’t forget to update your clock during periods of daylight savings.


Guys are definitely not girls

Let’s talk about relationships . . . of the dating variety.

I’m probably way behind the curve on this one, but guys really do think, act and operate differently than women.  Each has basic needs which are on complete opposite ends of the spectrum from each other.

How about an example?

I’m in a large crowd of people.  Here’s me thinking to myself.

What would make you feel special in this situation Alex?  I know!  I would feel special if Kara (my first crush back in 2nd grade) would walk over and stand next to me.  Yeah, that would be amazing!  Since that’s what would melt me, that has to melt her.  So let me go do that right now.  Let me go stand next to her.  She’ll think I’m pursuing her.  Score.  I’m going to get a bonus kiss tonight!

Go ahead.  Ask about that bonus kiss.  Not so much.  More like a bonus door in the face.  She didn’t pick up what I thought I was putting down.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

The differences in all aspects of human functioning are dramatic. I love Jesus and I wouldn’t lie to you.  ;)

You can’t operate under the assumption that what you like, she likes.  What you need, she needs.  What you see, she sees.  What you put down, she picks up.

Save yourself some frustration and do some reading.  It will go a long way in developing an understanding of the opposite sex, their unique needs and how to communicate effectively.

A few book recommendations.

Love and Respect is broken down into three parts.  Read the first part carefully (the Crazy Cycle is dead on) and skim the last two parts of the book.  In my opinion, the last two parts of Love and Respect can be substituted with the For (Wo)men Only books.  Regardless if you are a guy or girl, read both For Women Only and For Men Only.

I’m not sure what you would be if you’re not a guy or girl, but whatever . . . ;)